
Thursday, June 30, 2011

film, film, film...

the photographic kind. No it is not dead, it just smells funny - I found this one somewhere - lol. But everybody is asking why I want to go back, backwards is not progress. But maybe, just maybe I want to entertain a thought that it is - I learned a lot over the last 10 years of digital photography, I can't deny it, but there is something missing. It's just like reading a book on kindle - it's still the same content, it just feels differently. Maybe it's how my brain was wired for reading when I was little, liking the sound of page turning and having no problem with visually remembering the plot - two thirds of the book, right page, first half bottom left -about that - oh there it was :). I'm pretty sure my kids' brains are wired completely different - and a book, real paper kind, might soon feel like forgotten past to them, and they won't have problems recalling the contents of any book read on an ipad. But to me it just feels right. Same with film  - not that from now on I'll use only that - I want to stay up to date. It just makes you all giddy, no instant gratification of a digital, no rush and no clicking senselessly - film is more expensive - use it wisely :). And after having it developed - no more time spent at the computer editing, I'll have my life back and some photos will get printed - how perfect! So would you say that maybe, and only maybe(?) it is progress after all :)
I recently used my first roll of film, Kodak Ektar 100, after 10 years of digital. It was a little scary (especially that my old film camera doesn't have AF) and a lot refreshing and I was in awe the first moment I picked it from a lab. Not at my skills, oh no - I was just rushing through those 36 frames to get it to the lab and see with my very eyes the capabilities of film. I'm still in awe.
Till next time.

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