
Thursday, March 31, 2011

spring is in the air?

...really? I can't believe how long this winter seems to be. Looks like another wintry season is upon us despite already wilting daffodils in our garden, and cherry blossoms, although not yet fully relished, already saying good bye. Well, even our four legged fur-ball refuses to enjoy such a spring, still hibernating at my feet - oh, how warm that feels!!  So I just have one request to whomever it may concern, and whoever is responsible for this mess - Spring, please come asap!! 


  1. ooooo Beautiful love this shot Malina.. now if spring would just show up here...

  2. Thanks Elizabeth! It showed up here already, but it was still frigid when I took it last week. Now it's better - except for today's weird 85F - and tomorrow back to cold. How long can this winter last, ha? Very strange this year...

  3. Oh wow. This is beautiful Malina. Love your tones and the softness. And, I agree-Dear Spring, please hurry up!

  4. Lovely capture and processing Malina
