
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

ten years later

with a kid, and still fitting in her wedding dress- a round of applause, please!!! - let me introduce the glowing bride on her 10th anniversary. She didn't have her bridal portraits taken on her rainy wedding day so she decided to be  a trouper, and conquered the mud of Lake Cook, or rather Bog Cook :), in her wellies quite bravely. Thank you A.!! And here is a reveal of what three crazy photographers and one lady in her wedding dress were up to on that perfectly lit evening. Some of my favorites:

Thank you Rashmi for the invite. It was muddy, and a bit smelly, but FUN!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely Malina! A was a great subject, wasn't she? I can't wait to here the reaction to the surprise.
