
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

rurki z kremem

and a taste well remembered from childhood. And now - it get's a little teary from here - becoming a taste of childhood of my own children *sniffle*.
What are they? Simply, they are little tubes made out of crispy wafers and filled with  rich whipped cream. Yum. And we found the best spot in Warsaw to get them - Kręcimy Lody Bracia Gessler ...And the best man to make them Pan Ryszard - the master maker of rurki z kremem. Thank you for bringing back my sweetest childhood memories and letting my children learn what it was all about :). 


  1. Mi takze sie teskni za rurkami z kremem, nie ma tutaj w Connecticut USA. W Chicago jeszcze moglam znalezc w Polskich sklepach spozywczych ale nie tutaj :(

    1. :) w takim razie pora sobie maszynę kupić i zacząć wypiekać ;)
